You know how when you first get started in business you try a whole lot of programs not sure what will fit? Even the interface and the way you interact with the program greatly determines your success using it.
Well I tried a lot. If you’ve heard it then I probably at least trial ran it!
So here is a list of the software/programs I tried and currently use. If you’re a designer, be sure to check out this list!
I started out with WordPress with Divi. I know it’s the industry’s standard, but after too many hiccups I gave up and started using Wix. I love the ease of it. With time as I grow out of it, I’ll reconsider, but Wix is super user friendly and has been the perfect website for a DIYer like myself.

The client experience and seamless integration with your website is a huge part of not only easing your workday, but really elevating your business.
Some programs that you may have heard of are 17Hats, Honeybook, and Dubsado.
I trial ran them ALL. I think I may have even paid for multiple platforms at once. I’ll save you the suspense. I chose Dubsado.
17Hats is AMAZING but it honestly did more that I needed it to. Then it was down to Honeybook and Dubsado. Ultimately, I think it just came down to preference. I saw the customization that Dubsado offered for both my brand and my workflow. Everything that I use for every client onboard is automated. From my website lead to landing the client is all in an automated workflow. I can tell it when to pause in the workflow and what requirements have to be fulfilled before the next part of the workflow can commence. Dubsado’s team is so helpful and quick to respond. There’s a lot of work to be done on the front end, but the reward is an automated client onboarding system! If you’re interested in trying them out their free trial is unlike any other platform out there. Instead of the standard 14-day trial, they give you 3 clients before you start paying! For a small startup business like me, that provides you a lot more time to get the kinks figured out. Use my link to receive 20% off your first month or year HERE
Next, for my mood boards, client boards, IG, Pinterest, you name it – I use CANVA.
I know Photoshop has a ton more capabilities, but for my business, the price point and it’s features make Canva the ideal program for me. When Canva came out with their “erase background” option with a click of a button it’s value literally doubled for me. The free version is pretty decent, but if you want to save your branding colors and logo or have the time saving “erase background” feature, then you’ll need the paid version. HERE is my link to sign up!

The Interior Design world is divided by those who got their degree and those who didn’t. AutoCAD is what’s taught in schools. Thankfully for those of us who don’t have degrees in design there are easier, more user-friendly tools to use. I tried both Sketchup and Home Designer Pro by Chief Architect. Home Designer Pro felt intuitive to me. I understood it and it was at a price point I could afford. It doesn’t have every feature that the more expensive versions have, but by and large it has everything I need to get the job done. If you are looking for help with floor plans, or to elevate your mood boards with 3D renders this program will be right up your alley.