In talking to so many designers over the past few years I hear several common thoughts: “I am offering a luxury service, I don’t want to seem impersonal” or its “I am too slow in responding to leads. It can be days or a week before they hear back from me.”
Your process should have luxury written all over it from the moment they reach out. I would argue that having a response in their email to their interest within 10 minutes is communicating luxury. It’s communicating that you have thought through their experience and what questions they have. You are supporting them in the next steps they need to take. Utilizing a CRM like Dubsado ensures that you show up professionally every time a lead reaches out no matter what you’re doing in that moment.
Let’s take a look at how you can remove yourself from the inquiry phase while creating a stand-out client experience.
Step 01. Share what you offer on your website. Make it easy to find and understand. The more you can share upfront, the more likely it is that you’re weeding out those who don’t align with your ideal client.
Step 02. Get important questions answered! You can ask some very telling questions in your initial contact form that will help to screen potential clients.
Step 03. Connect a CRM like Dubsado to your contact form. In doing this, you can automate the first several steps, saving you loads of time. It also creates a standout client experience because they are getting timely responses and next steps.
Step 04. Template your initial emails and queue them in your CRM. Typically the first few steps follow this flow: Contact Form Submitted -> Email #1 responds automatically with your Investment Guide & your Calendar link -> Lead books Discovery Call -> Email #2 is confirmation of booking -> Email #3 is a reminder of call.
Step 05. Book the call! This can either be done automatically as shown above, or you can pause the process to look over their initial responses before scheduling.
Have you thought about your Inquiry Phase in this way? Are you looking for help to simplify and organize your processes? We love deep diving with our clients to help you save time and create a stand-out client experience. Head to our contact form to get connected!